Custom AI

This is custom GA and Bizjet traffic ONLY. Included are a .bgl file (in the BGL folder) three text documents (in the TXT Files folder) and two AI packages.

AI Aircraft

First you have to install the two packages (if you have them previously installed then there is no need)

To do this you unzip the ai_gulfstreams file. Then go into the Aircraft folder, and copy those 4 folders into your FS9/aircraft folder.

Now unzip the ai_hawker_800xp file. Next copy the folder inside to the FS9/aircraft folder.

Full or Lite?

The full version has a huge amount of planes and makes the airport busy. The lite version has the same flightplans, but half the flights a day and half the planes based at the airport.

Open the folder of your choice and proceed to the next step.

BGL file

Open the BGL folder, and copy the .bgl file to your FS9/scenery/world/scenery folder.

TXT Files

The .txt files are for people who want to alter the AI flightplans or planes.


AI Models - Henry Tomkiewicz
AI Repaints - Paul Holstein
Bizjet FP's - Brandon DePalo
GA FP's - Brandon DePalo